Since 2018, Chatham County has solicited applications for investment in programs that address a data driven need; intended to support non-mandated programming and initiatives that directly align with the Chatham Community Blueprint and the priorities of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners. Now in its 7th year, the FY25 Blueprint Implementation Grant application will be accessible beginning January 19, 2024.

The FY25 Blueprint Implementation Grant process has multiple steps. This year, interested organizations and units of government shall register with profile through an online portal, upload necessary documentation and provide a summary of your program design through an Intent to Apply application. A Letter of Intent (LOI) and supporting agency documents will be required and the Intent to Apply should be completed by February 5, 2024. Selected programs and projects will be invited near or around February 16, 2024 to complete the full application.
Chatham County funds will be used to support organizations that address a data driven need of Chatham County residents. Organizations possessing the capacity and demonstrating the ability to perform the scope of services contained in their applications are eligible to apply. Successful applicants will provide a description of programming which aligns with the Chatham Community Blueprint and the stated priorities of the Board of Commissioners. Complete transparency is expected with revenues, expenditures, and proposed use of funds. Only organizations that submit a completed application by the deadline will be eligible.

Applications for invited eligible programs will be reviewed and competitively scored by a review committee consisting of county staff and representatives from key stakeholder organizations. Evaluation of each proposal will include return on investment and financial sustainability. The programmatic impact of each application will be evaluated to ensure that the deliverable, measurable objectives, and outcomes will effectively meet the County’s strategic priorities. The review committee will score and rank the applicant’s ability to deliver the intended results and will make funding recommendations.

Completed FY25 applications are due by midnight on Friday, March 15, 2024, and must be submitted via the online portal with all required attachments and worksheets. Funding recommendations will be presented to the Board of Commissioners by the County Manger as part of the annual budget process. Final funding decisions will be made by the Board of Commissioners as part of their adoption of the County Annual Budget in June. Awards may vary in amount and are subject to budget constraints. Awards will require execution of a one-year service contract with Chatham County with a defined set of deliverables and outcomes that align with the priorities of the Chatham Community Blueprint.